Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Pond / Boat Ready To Go

Sanding down the Boat

Preparing The Pond

The next step in our duckponics process was to set up a pond that was safe for children, good to look at and suitable for the ducks.

We sanded back the boat and gave it a fresh coat of paint. We decided to cut the seats out, allowing the ducks to swim from one end to the other. We placed rolls of wire under the steps where the seats were as a hidey-hole for any fish or marron.

After a bit of patch work to stop any leaks the boat / pond was ready to go.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The beginning of our Duckponics

Pip and Squeek

In the beginning...

Our duckponic system all began with two very cute and cuddly additions to our family. Pip and Squeek. For a number of weeks they shared our home but we soon realised they needed more space to duck dive than a small blue tub... and so the search began.

We set off to the rubbish tip to find an old bath tub for them. But when we got there we found something even better ... an old boat.

And that was just the beginning.